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The teenage years are filled with challenging lessons, immense physical growth, surging hormones, a newfound desire for autonomy, and all else needed to assist a young person’s development into adulthood. It is normal for situations that are stressful, painful, and/ or difficult to elicit fluctuating emotions. Teenagers are forced to develop new stress management skills, as their pre-adolescent emotional coping mechanisms quickly become outdated and ineffective. It should come as no surprise that experts suggest that mental health struggles are highly common among teenagers, with one in three high school students reporting symptoms of depression such as sadness and hopelessness. There is a plethora of highly qualified mental health providers and behavioral therapy programs in Los Angeles, California that specialize in treating teenagers.

Behavioral Therapy Programs in LA

It is impossible to provide an accurate answer as to which teen behavioral therapy program in Los Angeles is the best, as each teen is different with distinct needs. The best behavioral therapy program for a teen is one that aligns with his or her nuanced needs and integrates different components to support his or her therapeutic goals. Additionally, the level of care a teenager needs must be considered as it will factor into which program may be the best fit. There are fantastic online resources that offer curated lists containing reputable behavioral therapy programs for teenagers in LA, such as Psychology Today. High-quality behavioral therapy programs for teenagers may offer any of the following therapeutic modalities:

The ever-changing nature of teenagers can make it can be difficult to distinguish between behaviors associated with typical teenage insecurities and those that may require professional support. When in doubt, it is recommended for a teen to undergo a full evaluation, also known as a biopsychosocial assessment, from a mental health professional. These evaluations examine the biological, psychological, and social factors at play in the life of a teen, determine their impact on mental health, and illuminate necessary insights to allow the evaluator to provide customized treatment recommendations.

The information above is provided for the use of informational purposes only. The above content is not to be substituted for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment, as in no way is it intended as an attempt to practice medicine, give specific medical advice, including, without limitation, advice concerning the topic of mental health. As such, please do not use any material provided above to disregard professional advice or delay seeking treatment.

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